Steering cable

This article is presented in 4 sections, each section deals with a specific topic about wires and cables

0_ What is a wire?

1_ The most popular type of wire and cable

2-Introducing different types of electric wires and cables

3- The explanation of each of the introduced wires and cables and where it is better to use

4- Positive points of a good wire and cable to buy

zero section (what is the wire)

To transfer electric current from one place to another, wires and cables are used. The agent of electric current transmission in the wires is the current-conducting metal.

The first part (the best type of wire and cable)

The best type of wire and cable at the present time is Afashan wire and cable. This wire is a single-stranded conductor type and is made of C-type PVC polymer insulation. We will talk more about this type of wire in the following article.

The best type of cable nowadays is Afshan cable. There is more than one wire inside the Afshan cable, and usually there are 3 wires. We will talk more about this wire later.

The second part (introduction of types of wires and cables)

1-Wire wire

2- Spraying wires

3_Steering cable

4-Nylon wire

5-Earth wire

Introducing the types of cables:
6- Coaxial cable

1- Single strand cable

2- multi-core cable

3-Wired cable

4-Afshan cable

5-Earth cable

6- Armored cable

7-Shielded cable

8- Cable with foil

9- Steering cable

10-Instrument cable

11- High voltage cable

The third part (explanation about each of the mentioned cables)

1- wire:

The material with which wire is produced is steel billet, which is a kind of semi-finished product. The steel billet is converted into wire after the billet rolling process

Wire is one of the raw materials for workshops, but it is a final product for home work.

And after finishing the rolling operation, the wire is packed in coils and presented to the market

And it is necessary to mention that in places such as building reinforcement, mesh plate, protection and barbed wire, types of wire mesh, making nails and screws, making rivets and metal chains, the most important applications of wire are considered

And it should be mentioned that the most used type of wire in electrical panels is this type of wire, i.e. wire wire

In addition to all the capabilities it has, structural and building engineers use wire inside pipes and under plaster. Summary In addition to the construction industry, wire has numerous and significant applications in matters such as carpentry, technical matters, and handicrafts.

2- Spray wires:
As we said above, the wire is one of the best wire in the world, it is a single-stranded wire, it is a conductor type, and it is made of C-type PVC polymer insulation. This wire is more flexible than the wire wire, and this wire is used for routes where the wire needs a lot of circulation. What is the wire spreader? The amount of conductor used in it, which is the desired type of copper, which may be replaced by aluminum in the market and earn illegal money.

3- Semi-transparent wire:
In some places, due to technical problems or reasons such as price and other problems, it is not possible to use the best type of wire, therefore, a wire called semi-extension wire is used. This type of wire is not single-stranded.

This wire is made of twisted wires.

The semi-discharged wire can be placed between the wires and the dissipative wires.

The smallest diameter of twisted wire is 1.04, which forms size 6 when folded

This amount, i.e. 1.04 to 2.85, can also be increased. The internal design of semi-transparent wires is very similar to the internal design of wire.

4- Nylon wire:
The nylon wire has 2 strands of sparking wire in it, which is connected with a white sheath. This white sheath prevents the two strands of wire from connecting to each other, and in a way, this white sheath prevents the explosion.

The conductors placed in this wire are nylon, copper, or aluminum. The quality of nylon wire made of copper is much higher than aluminum.

And it should be mentioned that the type of covering of this wire, which is pebbletin or chloride or paper dipped in white oil, has a relatively good insulation against electric current, and it also has strength and elasticity, as well as high resistance against chemicals, physical damage and The moisture of the wire is also reliable and due to its polymer property, it creates strong resistance against erosion

5- Earth wire:
Wire art is one of the agents to prevent electrocution. Now how does it prevent electric shock? You may have heard that someone was electrocuted due to contact with an electrical device. What is the reason for this electric shock? When the phase wires or the neutral wire are somehow connected to the body of the device and the electric circuit leaks, then we will get electrocuted by touching it. Now, the earth wire prevents electric shock, fire and connection of the device by transferring current leakage to the ground.

Wires are used on the ground and mostly for equipment such as:

washing machine
in the outlet
is used

What is the use of earth wire?
Leakage of electric current may occur under the influence of many factors such as decay of the insulation surface, impact, crushing, bare part of the conductor, moisture, dust, etc. Now, if this electric current leakage is transferred to the outer surface of electrical devices, we will be electrocuted as soon as we touch them. There is a solution to solve this problem, and that is the earth wire. Application of earth wire or ground wire

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Explanation about the introduced cables:

1_ coaxial cable:
This cable does not have the ability to transmit electrical current, and is more suitable for transmitting frequency signals in devices such as color televisions, computer networks, fixed-mode cameras, and remote control devices.

This cable, i.e. coaxial cable, has a foam insulation which is symmetrically surrounded by a metal sheath and covered with a plastic layer in the next shell. Due to its insulating properties, this cable can transmit signals and analogs together with a wide range of frequencies, and for this reason, it is widely used in the lines connecting the transmitter and radio receivers with their antennas, connections. Computer networks, digital audio and cable TV signal distribution are used. The main use of this cable is for security equipment such as CCTV cameras

2- multi-core cable/single-core cable :( what is a cable)

Cable or shahsim refers to one or more wires or ropes that are tied together, intertwined or intertwined to form a single set. In mechanics, cables are used for lifting and pulling. In electricity, they are used to conduct electric current. An optical cable has one or more optical fibers in a protective sheath that protects the fibers. Mechanical cable is more specifically called steel rope (or towing wire). Several wires inside a sheath regardless of their cross section are also called cables.

3-Wired cable:
This cable, as it is known, is a means of transferring electric current

And because of security, it is made of wire material, but even so, it is possible to damage it, and we must have careful monitoring during purchase and installation, otherwise it will cause irreparable accidents, be it financial or life-threatening.

Wire cables are produced and supplied in different sizes according to the amount of electric current (amps) that is supposed to be passed through it and the place of its use. For example, the thickness of grade 10 cables is approximately 3 mm, grade 14 cable is 2 mm, and grade 16 and 18 cables are 1.5 and 1.2 mm respectively.

4- Cable spraying:
In general, Afshan cable is classified into the following three types:

Light cable
It is used for input and connection cables in electrical appliances, household appliances and machines, whose two branches are fixed to the cable. The conductor of this type of cable is also made of annealed copper.

Power cable
It is used to supply electrical energy in open space, in soil, in water, inside buildings, cable channels, power plants, industrial uses, etc. The conductor of this type of cable is also made of annealed copper.

Aluminum spraying cable
Most of the cables of Afshan type are made of copper, but due to the high cost of obtaining copper, a number of manufacturers are looking to replace aluminum with copper. The use of this type of cable is limited.

Also, Afshan cables are divided into the following two categories in terms of nominal voltage:

Cables with a rated voltage of 300/300 V (Iranian national standard No. 52 and international standard IEC 52 60227 are produced)
Cables with a rated voltage of 500/300 volts (Iranian national standard No. 53 and international standard IEC 53 60227 are produced)

5-ground cable:
This type of cable is used when it is impossible to use airlines, which can be a problem if the area is suitable for an airline cable or not. This cable is relatively better than aerial cable, for example, it has less voltage drop or lower maintenance cost than aerial cable, and the error percentage is definitely higher on the ground than on the air.

And it should be mentioned that the way to make this cable is much more difficult than other cables, so naturally its price is also higher.

And definitely, the use of this cable has limitations. An underground cable cannot be used anywhere. Inevitably, aerial cable is used

6- Armored cable:
A cable that has a part or a layer that has the task of protecting itself is called an armored or armored cable. The material of these layers is usually made of galvanized steel, aluminum and other similar items. And it can be said that this cable is suitable for installation in places that are exposed to external damage

Did you know that armored cable is divided into several categories?

Weak pressure cable with wire armor: NYRY and N2XRY
Weak pressure with strip armor: NYBY and N2XBY
Medium voltage cable with wire armor: N2XSYRY, NA2XSYRY, N2XSEYRY and NA2XSEYRY
Medium pressure with strip armor: N2XSYBY, N2XSEYBY, NA2XSYBY and NA2XSEYBY
Multi-core cables with steel armor: SWA and STA
Single strand with aluminum armor: AWA and ATA
7-Shielded cable:
Ind cable is mostly used in office and industrial places to transfer information accurately and without scratches, which is very important, and this cable is protected with a layer from the inside.

The information that is transmitted by this cable is far from any damage.

One of the remarkable things of this cable is its light weight, which is made of materials such as copper or other conductive metals such as aluminum.

The reason why this cable is safe from cyber attacks is the presence of a shield in it, and if you want to be safe from noise and power noise, install a shield near the object.

8- foiled cable:
Foil material:
Foils are very thin sheets of copper with a very thin non-conductive layer on one side. In most cases, this conductor is made of Mylar polyester. The conductive side of the foil must be connected to the ground wire

be connected in the cable so that it can discharge the noise through the ground.

In the following, we will discuss some differences between woven and foil shields.

The difference between foil and woven shield:
The woven shield works in a higher frequency spectrum.
The foil takes up less space and the cables have a smaller diameter.
Foil is more flexible than woven shield.
Woven shield has more physical resistance than cable.
The foil covers 100% of the cable surface, but the woven shield covers 40-95%.
The price of the woven shield is higher.

9- Steering cable:

The use of this cable, i.e. the command cable, is very important and useful in electricity production

It is impossible to send electricity to buildings without this cable. This cable is used to send commands, and high voltage is needed for this purpose

Command cable or control cable consists of many wires that are used to control a wide range.

Most of the control cables are made of twisted annealed copper. The PVC material of this wire makes it resistant to harsh environmental conditions.

This cable is used to transmit digital signals such as opening or closing the panel switch and transmitting analog signals. Generally, the command wire is used in currents with low voltage. Depending on the type of application, people often use the control cable under conditions of light, medium or high mechanical stress.

10-Instrument cable:
Instrument cable and command cable have a common and obvious feature that makes them different from other cables and that is the ones used in it. As I said above, the conductor is one of the important parts of a wire, which is responsible for the transmission of electricity. There are different types of conductors, and the best one is copper conductor, but in the second stage, aluminum is used in both of them. And other important parts of this cable is insulation. Due to its structure, this material can be a very ideal insulation for all types of precision instrument cables. The quality of PVC used in these cables is suitable for the conditions in which the cable should be placed. For example, the characteristics of the coating and insulation of these cables will be different in fixed and non-fixed use. Other materials used in the insulation of these wires include HFFR and PE.

11-high pressure cable:
High voltage cable has the ability to carry high voltage electric current.

The structure of this cable includes a steel core and aluminum coating

Types of high voltage cables
Power cables are generally divided into the following two categories:

Gas power cable type SF6

Oily power cable

SF6 type gas power cables are divided into the following four categories:

Cable with internal pressure and aluminum tube

Cable with internal pressure and steel pipe

Cable with external pressure and steel pipe

Capsule gas cable filled with SF6 gas

The fourth part (what points to pay attention to when buying a wire)

There are many sensitivities in the selection of wire and cable because they are used in the shell of the building and replacing them is a very troublesome task. You can get the necessary information before buying wires and cables and choose the best ones for your building. Below we have provided you with important points for this choice.

Paying attention to the structure of the cable and its constituent layers
Attention to the material of the cable conductor
Pay attention to the permissible current of the cables
Attention to the outer surfaces of wires and cables
Wire insulation cross section
Wire coating material
The number of strands in a cable
Wire and cable purchase price
To buy and know the price of a wire and cable

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