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Introducing the best electrical protector brand
 In these hot summer days, when we are constantly experiencing power outages and power fluctuations, it is necessary to have an electrical protector for home electronics and it protects home electrical appliances from damage and possible dangers.
 If you do not use an electrical protector for your home electrical appliances, we recommend that you stay with us from the online electrical site until the end of this article.  In this article, we will tell you about the features of the best power protector brand and we will also introduce you to the best smart power protector brand, stay with us.
 Why should we buy a surge protector?
 Fluctuations and disturbances in electric currents may cause irreparable damage to home electrical appliances.  For example, it is possible that due to fluctuations and frequent power outages, the voltage may increase and decrease and cause the refrigerator motor to burn.  Since the price of electrical appliances is increasing day by day, using the best brand of electrical protector will make you take care of your electrical appliances by paying a small cost to buy an electrical protector.
 They usually use electric protectors against heat and shock that may be caused by electric devices.  If you live in an area with frequent storms and lightning, be sure to purchase a protective cover to take care of your electrical appliances.
 Part Electric surge protector model PE5137
 The dimensions of this electrical protector are 200 x 105 x 40 mm and its weight is 250 grams.  The maximum power it can support is 6500 watts and its maximum transmission current is 30 amps.  This protector is equipped with an LED display and is considered one of the electrical protectors behind the meter and is resistant to moisture and dust.
 PE2060 model electric multiple way and electric part protector
 The dimensions of this quality protector are 15 x 4 x 18 mm and its weight is 209 grams.  It is equipped with 6 sockets and the maximum power it supports is 2450 watts.
 The cable length of this protector is 1.8 meters and it is highly resistant to moisture and dust and has an LED display to indicate the voltage and current intensity.
 What is the power fluctuation?
 Electric current has standard characteristics throughout a country and all electrical appliances are designed to be subject to those characteristics.  For example, in Iran, the current of 220 volts and frequency of 50 Hz is considered standard.  Any increase or decrease from the standard state is what is called as power fluctuation.
 Considering the astronomical prices of electronic and home appliances market, you must look for a suitable solution.  Using an electrical protector is a simple solution with a reasonable cost, which can be used to prevent much heavier damages and to regulate the position of the wires.
 How does the electric protector work?
 When the voltage exceeds or falls below normal for at least 3 nanoseconds, we say that an electric shock has occurred.
 The protector has the duty to be used between the electric current entering the house and the device, and when any electric shock occurs, by cutting off the electric current, it stops the impact of this electric shock on the device.
  After the shock passes and the current indicators return to normal, the protector allows the current to pass and the device starts working again.
 When should you use an electrical protector?
 All the time!  Think that if an electric shock occurs and destroys all the devices connected to the electrical outlet or even worse causes a fire in your home, then you think to yourself that it would be better to turn off your important devices.  All the time you connected to the circuit breaker.
 You don't need a protector for your reading light, it's better to connect all your expensive devices to the power protector before any shock or fluctuation occurs instead of regretting.

Why is protective power important?  Types of protectors based on power:
 In general, motorized and thermal electrical devices consume more than non-motorized and non-thermal devices, it is natural that the maximum output power of the protectors must be in harmony with the total power of the connected devices.
 - 1000 to 2000 volt ampere protectors (maximum output power) with an on and off switch are the best option for relatively low consumption devices such as phones, modems, computers, etc.
 - 2000 to 3000 volt-ampere protectors (maximum output power) without on and off switches are the best option for refrigerators and freezers that must always be connected to electricity.
 - 3000 to 5000 volt-ampere protectors (maximum output power) with an on and off switch are very suitable for air conditioners and packages.

 - Protectors of about 6000 volt amps (maximum output power) are suitable for installation after the home meter or at the entrance of the kitchen using the built-in terminal to protect all kitchen appliances or all home electrical appliances.